Travel Gadget Review: Driving Gloves from Bionic Gloves

Driving Gloves from Bionic Gloves

Six months ago Bionic Gloves sent me a pair of their driving gloves to review and write about.  Bionic's parent company is famous for making the world famous Louisville Slugger baseball bat and ball gloves.  I never thought I needed driving gloves for my travels but I'm surprised how much I have used them. 

They came in really handy driving in snow and heavy fog in the mountains near Lake Arrowhead California.  During a long trip across the desert to Las Vegas Nevada.  I also used these driving gloves for several other extended drives.

I'm not sure what the effect is, but they feel really good.  Better than just wearing a pair of standard gloves.  As you can see in the photo the palm and fingers are not just flat pieces of leather.  Bionic Gloves calls these "anatomical relief pads" that help reduce hand fatigue and improve comfort.  And I agree that they do help a lot.  These gloves also protect your hands from sun exposure and provide an increased grip on the wheel.

You can find more information on the Bionic Gloves website .  A good video on the site describes the technology behind these gloves.  They are also known for their golf gloves.

Pilots Sleep in LAX Airport Parking Lots

KABC Bernadette with LAX rv's pilots use for sleeping

With the recent revelation regarding pilots who may have fallen asleep during a flight and overshot their destination. I found this interesting report from Los Angles radio station KABC. They sent the sexy intern Bernadette out to parking lot B to speak with pilots regarding sleeping in RV's in an airport owned parking lot that sits just below one of the approach paths. For just $60 per month pilots can park an RV and use it for layovers. Often with short turnarounds between flights it is faster to catch a shuttle over to Lot B than it is to catch a hotel shuttle, check in, and then return to the airport after resting. See Google Map below. Zoom out to see relationship with runways 25 Left and Right, the longest at LAX, and used by the big heavy jets.

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See more of Bernadette and photos she took. Don't be distracted by her clevage, be sure to listen to the audio clip embedded in the page.