Saturday's Quotable Traveler
The Photo Escape

Westin Sex and Sleep Survey

Woman Sleeping

A recent survey by Westin Hotels & Resorts found that 51% of US travelers would rather have a good night's sleep than great sex.

 The question asked of about 12,500 travelers in a dozen countries was "Which is more important to you, a perfect night's sleep, or great sex?" Canadian travelers were the only regional group that picked sex over sleep by 52%. So What keeps us from getting a good nights sleep?? PDA's 60%, Bills 58%, Spouse or Partner 25%.

The publication of this survey is being used to promote that Westin has partnered with the National Sleep Foundation to launch a toll-free sleep hotline, (888) TIME-4-SLEEP, and webpage click here. The number will be manned by sleep professionals during the peak hours when people experience problems sleeping. The webpage offers a variety of information on sleep related problems, the causes and solutins.