Future Cruises to Cuba?
April 20, 2009
Here's a vacation bargain for you, a cruise deal to the communist nation of Cuba, situated only 230 miles from Miami with a natural deep water port. The largest Caribbean island makes for a logical expansion for the cruise lines. One problem, even though Fidel Castro resigned doesn't mean it would end the strained relationships between the U.S. and that nation. But those tensions might change after the recent statements made by President Obama that could begin chipping away at the political barriers to entry.
Recently, President Obama stated in a White House communication "... I do believe that we can move U.S.-Cuban relations in a new direction." And his sentiments were confirmed at the Summit of the Americas 2009 opening ceremony where he said, "the United States seeks a new beginning with Cuba." President Obama attended the host country, Trinidad and Tobagoto, for Fifth Summit meeting earlier this week. This location is the first Caribbean state to ever host this important summit of hemispheric leaders.
In related reports, Obama dropped restrictions on travel and remittances to Cuba, waiting for his Cuban counterpart, Raul Castro, to reciprocate. This type of agreement would make travelers very happy; especially those Cuban-Americans who have families there. Sons and daughters who have parents from Cuba feel the restrictions to freely visit a place where they have strong family ties.
For the cruise industry, a new port in Cuba could be a lucrative project and fulfill the wants and needs of future baby boomer travelers. Cuba as a port of call may draw history buffs and adventurers as first time cruisers like never before. Time will tell if the political barriers to entry and tension between the two states will subside enough to allow for such a huge financial project between the cruise line and the state of Cuba.
No one knows if Obama's promises will be kept or how long the process to undo years of mistrust will take to open travel access to Cuba via cruise lines. Realistically, future cruise vacations may include Cuba as a desired stop over and it may be the best way to visit the island.